L'Intuizione di Duchamp: Il Pensiero Creativo che Innova il Talento
52' | Arts&Culture | HD
ITA 2022
Lilium Distribution
for Rai 5
The creative genius of Marcel Duchamp, his extraordinary legacy and how his revolutionary work and legendary change of perspective, has forever marked the path and evolution of modern and contemporary art will be the themes at the heart of “L’intuizione di Duchamp” ("The intuition of Duchamp"), the documentary written and directed by Guido Talarico, publisher and journalistic expert in contemporary art.
A narrative that links the change of perspective that has made Duchamp the forerunner par excellence for the new generations of contemporary artists. A real journey into talent, through the testimony of four artists such as Elena Bellantoni, Corinna Gosmaro, Eugenio Tibaldi and Gian Maria Tosatti, accompanied by the voices of two internationally renowned curators Renata Cristina Mazzantini, curator of Quirinale Contemporaneo, and Sam Stourdzé, Director of the Academy of France in Rome, Villa Medici who integrate history by explaining the evolution of art in its relationship with large public institutions.
The documentary is the fruit of a partnership between FAD and Lilium Distribution based on the common desire to give continual life to qualitative cultural productions to be distributed in the Italian and the International market. Another distinctive element of this union is the operational compatibility of the two structures that since this very first collaboration, have been able to build a team able to operate over time and on projects of great scope.
The dynamism of the narration of “L’intuizione di Duchamp” alternates with a more neutral framing that emphasises the weight of words, the standing and the authority of the story. In the background are the artists' studios in Rome, Naples and Paris, but also, as mentioned, the Quirinal Palace, the Medici Villa and the National Gallery of Modern Art; places of enormous historical value depicted in details thanks to the sophisticated photography of Francesco Talarico, a veteran video-maker, who is able to dwell on the details, seize little apparent implications and adapt to the singularity of every artist and every place of art, as well as to the precious narrative contribution made by Vittorio Antonacci , assistant director and the original music by Valerio Vigliar.