Brooklyn Bridge: An Engineering Masterpiece

90'/52' | History/People | HD
DEU 2022
With rarely seen archive images from the construction period, spectacular re-shoots, illuminating original sounds and exclusively animated scenes, the documentary tells the story behind the bridge and makes the construction itself visible to the viewer. A fact unknown to many: Its creation is deeply intertwined with the history of the German engineer family Roebling - and the dramatic story of an immigration from Germany to the New World. It's not only a dazzling story of emigration, but also that of a woman who first lost her father-in-law and then her husband, yet still had the strength to complete this famous landmark. We capture the success story of the Roebling family, whose patriarch brought the idea of such a construction from the Old World to the New. It is thanks to him, that the bridge now spans the East River - a gigantic challenge and an enormous engineering feat.


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